Cinco de Mayo 2013!

Most commonly confused with Mexico’s Independence Day, Cinco de Mayo actually celebrates the 1862, Battle of Puebla. Now 151 years later, Cinco de Mayo has become a day to celebrate. Luckily for us here in the states that means plenty of Dos Equis.


We here at Drink Long Island had over 15 events this weekend to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Although all of our parties were filled with plenty of Dos Equis and fun, our two-day event at Cozymel’s in Westbury was one that topped the charts!IMG_0728                     DSC00405

The two-day party got started on Saturday, May 4. Party attendees had their choice of taking a seat in the extensive dining room, hanging out at the bar or enjoying the sunshine outside in an exclusive roped off section of the parking lot.Dos Equis and Bud Light Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita were available at the bar, in the entry way and outside.IMG_0729

The event included plenty of authentic food, even including a pig roast. Entertainment was provided by, a live DJ on Saturday and the band Double Play on Sunday.  Overall a great time was had by all both days!


Did you miss our Cinco de Mayo celebrations? Make sure you don’t miss another Drink Long Island event and visit for the full list!